New song “Mr. Rev John Martin” It’s about spam!

I received a spam email that was all over the place in terms of getting the dollars and British pounds sensibly and properly situated. And the first few paragraphs were kind of in poetry. So I used them.

New Song: Summertime is Here

Written for the Skeptic Wire Summer Song Challenge. Hosted on Soundcloud.


New song!: Death and Taxes

Death and Taxes 01May2012

‘Tis a silly song about, well, Death and Taxes. Written for The Skeptic Wire monthlyish song challenge of the same name. Yeah it’s a little late for Tax Day, but I do what I can. And in this case I recorded the whole thing in about 4 hours. You can tell, can’t you?

BTW you can get songs on my Soundcloud as well.

Death and Taxes

There are two things we all expect
Just take a minute to reflect
It won’t take a giant intellect
To maintain a society
In which our freedom isn’t free
They are our patriotic duty
Death and Taxes
To fight the wars and build the roads
To clean the streets when it has snowed
To keep the rivers safely flowed
Because our bodies do not last
Because we will repeat the past
Because some hate the iconoclast
Death and Taxes
We pay the price (Certified Accountancy)
We pay the price (Just for being born)
We pay the price (unless you can afford a PO box in the Cayman Islands)
We pay the price


It seems like I am always editing.

Not always always, just mostly always. The great majority of the time recently I am less creating than fixing. of course the end result is a creation, but it is a less “active”firm of creation. I suppose I want more to swing the hammer than work the blueprints.
but right now, that isn’t the task, so onward and metaphorically speaking upward!
Skeptic Wire Podcast

New songs! Valentines Day and My Baby Is A Scientist

Valentine’s Day written for a songwriting challenge on The Skeptic Wire podcast (

My Baby Is A Scientist written for my girlfriend on her birthday

Part of a song on WOAI with Cleto Rodriguez

Oh, yeah: up at 4am to prepare, then a just-before-6:30am 45 second segment. The life of rock’n’roll!

<iframe frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” src=”″ width=”425″ height=”330″></iframe>


If the embedding doesn’t work (which sometimes happens, curse it all) it’s the 29 Sept 2011 clip here:

Oooh broadband back in business

I’m giving the next step up broadband a shot. And I just uploaded a new “Injudicious Ramblings” Episode 013 to the site. Wow. It’s a 2 hour podcast this time- mainly due to laziness of editing on my part, but hopefully some interesting discussioning. But the 40.6MB file only took 5 minutes to upload, as opposed to the nearly 45 minutes it was taking. I’m wondering how much of that was the broadband upgrade and how much was the new cable modem for which I exchanged, today? I know it’s a good part of the extra bandwidth, but as the old modem was on it’s final shaky…um…legs, I think a little can be attributed to the new modem.

Runnin sound for a middle school

I feel misinformed about the start an end times. Plus I had to spend all day just setting everything up. Joy. Badly wrapped cords, lost assorted, incorrect labels, broken or bad equipment: whee! Then a 7:30am call for a 6:30 show which I was told would be ending at that time. Foolish me for lacking the critical element of asking: “really?” ah well it’s a paid gig.

New Injudicious Ramblings up

Get on iTunes or download it from here: Injudicious Ramblings

My podcasts

…or at least podcasts I am doing. Don’t go to them if you are easily offended by poking fun at religion, ideology, politics, or cursing.

1) Skeptic Wire : and iTunes:


2) Injudicious Ramblings : and iTunes:


Yeah. I’m rude and a nasty person. But I shower everyday (mostly) and treat my pets (companion animals, if you must) well.