Written for the Skeptic Wire Summer Song Challenge. Hosted on Soundcloud.
Written for the Skeptic Wire Summer Song Challenge. Hosted on Soundcloud.
‘Tis a silly song about, well, Death and Taxes. Written for The Skeptic Wire monthlyish song challenge of the same name. Yeah it’s a little late for Tax Day, but I do what I can. And in this case I recorded the whole thing in about 4 hours. You can tell, can’t you?
BTW you can get songs on my Soundcloud as well.
Death and Taxes
Not always always, just mostly always. The great majority of the time recently I am less creating than fixing. of course the end result is a creation, but it is a less “active”firm of creation. I suppose I want more to swing the hammer than work the blueprints.
but right now, that isn’t the task, so onward and metaphorically speaking upward!
Skeptic Wire Podcast
Valentine’s Day written for a songwriting challenge on The Skeptic Wire podcast (http://skepticwire.blogspot.com)
My Baby Is A Scientist written for my girlfriend on her birthday
Oh, yeah: up at 4am to prepare, then a just-before-6:30am 45 second segment. The life of rock’n’roll!
<iframe frameborder=”0″ scrolling=”no” src=”http://eplayer.clipsyndicate.com/cs_api/iframe?pl_id=25056&wpid=9898&page_count=5&windows=1&va_id=2889384&show_title=0&auto_next=1&auto_start=0″ width=”425″ height=”330″></iframe>
If the embedding doesn’t work (which sometimes happens, curse it all) it’s the 29 Sept 2011 clip here:
I’m giving the next step up broadband a shot. And I just uploaded a new “Injudicious Ramblings” Episode 013 to the site. Wow. It’s a 2 hour podcast this time- mainly due to laziness of editing on my part, but hopefully some interesting discussioning. But the 40.6MB file only took 5 minutes to upload, as opposed to the nearly 45 minutes it was taking. I’m wondering how much of that was the broadband upgrade and how much was the new cable modem for which I exchanged, today? I know it’s a good part of the extra bandwidth, but as the old modem was on it’s final shaky…um…legs, I think a little can be attributed to the new modem.
…or at least podcasts I am doing. Don’t go to them if you are easily offended by poking fun at religion, ideology, politics, or cursing.
1) Skeptic Wire : skepticwire.blogspot.com and iTunes:
2) Injudicious Ramblings : injudiciousramblings.blogspot.com and iTunes:
Yeah. I’m rude and a nasty person. But I shower everyday (mostly) and treat my pets (companion animals, if you must) well.
Available at last!
Cakewalk released the update to X1 yesterday. So I duly downloaded and installed. There were a few bugs I wanted fixed, and it appears they fixed them. Yay! As my reward, I ordered Scott Garrigus‘ book Sonar X1: Power! I figured I’d go over to Barnes & Nobles, first, and see if they had it for the Nook. They did! Yay! For $40. Boo, considering the print edition is only $28. Meh. So I did what any right-thinking person would do: I wrote them a letter and tweeted of my disappointment. We shall see how that turns out if at all. I should be receiving my book this week , however, but sadly not a Nook copy. It appears the publishers really do not want to embrace this new-fangled techmolology.
So I didn’t get too much testing of X1b as I was doing some actual work which didn’t require much of the new features. They did appear to fix some of the small bugs, like tracks and their associated waves and MIDI date not matching up when going back and forth between Track and Console views. They also appeared to have fixed a problem with the screensets losing their settings when going back and forth between them, which was extremely annoying.
So good on ya, Cakewalk!
Last, I am finally getting some more songy ideas and at least semi-humorous lyrics. And while I am not really disappointed, the latest one really sounds just a wee bit too much like Roy Zimmerman. That’s not a bad thing, but it’s so….obvious. You should really check out his youtubes. That sounds way more lascivious than it is.
On another good note: the sun revealed itself through the cloud cover, so ’tis a good day.
I wrote a song with lyrical assistance from a friend who currently wishes to be unnamed, so we’ll call her A. A had the idea for condemning Prosperity Preachers, and their effect on people who choose to follow. Hey, it’s a great message, based on the so-called “Law” of Attraction, which basically states that your thoughts attract good and bad to you. So the rich are rich because they think rich thoughts, but conversely children are kidnapped and worse because they think bad thoughts. See how that works? Not a very nice philosophy when you get down to it. It also appears that only the prosperity preachers actually attract any prosperity. I wonder if it has anything to do with people sending them “seed money”? Nah: I’m sure they put that money to good use propagating their god’s plan…which has everything to do with making the preacher wealthy. Hmmm.
So here is the Proof of Concept, version 2. Enjoy.