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Long day so far: went to the local park to assist picking up garbage in a portion of the park they are about to re-open. About an hour and half or two hours of picking up trash, carrying a tire and rusted barrels up a small cliffside for the truck to get. They didn’t provide any water during our effort (wish they would have told us they weren’t providing anything), but they did provide iced tea and fajita tacos for lunch, so I can’t complain overly loud.

Than I came home and did some brush cutting and cleaning for a pickup this coming week. More to do tomorrow.

On the music front, I have a new song written about my puppy and I coming to loggerheads about her choosing to do her business in the house. I know she knows better, but she was mad I wasn’t playing with her. Fortunately, the idea that popped in my head happened to fit the chord progression I was working on, so it was a semi-happy outcome. I’ll have a POC up later this week, barring any studio sessions that crop up. And I have class all week, so that will cut into my time as well.