I received a spam email that was all over the place in terms of getting the dollars and British pounds sensibly and properly situated. And the first few paragraphs were kind of in poetry. So I used them.
I wrote a song with lyrical assistance from a friend who currently wishes to be unnamed, so we’ll call her A. A had the idea for condemning Prosperity Preachers, and their effect on people who choose to follow. Hey, it’s a great message, based on the so-called “Law” of Attraction, which basically states that your thoughts attract good and bad to you. So the rich are rich because they think rich thoughts, but conversely children are kidnapped and worse because they think bad thoughts. See how that works? Not a very nice philosophy when you get down to it. It also appears that only the prosperity preachers actually attract any prosperity. I wonder if it has anything to do with people sending them “seed money”? Nah: I’m sure they put that money to good use propagating their god’s plan…which has everything to do with making the preacher wealthy. Hmmm.
So here is the Proof of Concept, version 2. Enjoy.
I’m thinking a cross between Airwolf, Tron (or that 1-season take-off), and/or Knight Rider.
It’s a little thing I did this morning messing about with SONAR X1.