New song!: Death and Taxes
May 2nd, 2012
‘Tis a silly song about, well, Death and Taxes. Written for The Skeptic Wire monthlyish song challenge of the same name. Yeah it’s a little late for Tax Day, but I do what I can. And in this case I recorded the whole thing in about 4 hours. You can tell, can’t you?
BTW you can get songs on my Soundcloud as well.
Death and Taxes
There are two things we all expect
Just take a minute to reflect
It won’t take a giant intellect
To maintain a society
In which our freedom isn’t free
They are our patriotic duty
Death and Taxes
To fight the wars and build the roads
To clean the streets when it has snowed
To keep the rivers safely flowed
Because our bodies do not last
Because we will repeat the past
Because some hate the iconoclast
Death and Taxes
We pay the price (Certified Accountancy)
We pay the price (Just for being born)
We pay the price (unless you can afford a PO box in the Cayman Islands)
We pay the price